Studies in our Project
As part of the needs and resources analysis, a mixed-methods study on the psychosocial situation and substance use among refugees in shared accommodations was conducted. Qualitative interviews were conducted with residents and professionals in shared accommodations. These results served as the basis for designing a quantitative survey instrument for conducting a cross-sectional study, taking into account culturally sensitive factors. Multilingual validated scales were used to assess the psychosocial situation and substance use. Insights from the results informed the development of the multi-component prevention concept for refugees and professionals in shared accommodations.
In the acceptance and feasibility study, the multi-component prevention concept was implemented in a pilot shared accommodation. Professionals and residents actively participated in decision-making processes through working and focus groups, shaping the pilot implementation from multiple perspectives to adapt measures of the addiction prevention concept with their experiences.
As part of the evaluation study, the multi-component prevention concept is currently being tested for success. The study is designed in a randomized controlled stepped-wedge design and is intended to be conducted multicentrically in several shared accommodations. The stepped-wedge design ensures that all refugees in the shared accommodations have access to the prevention concept in the final phase of the study. The aim of the project is to provide an effective and evidence-based prevention concept at the end of the project, which will be disseminated in Germany.
Lorenz M., Ensle A., Taggert J., Uricher J., Heidenreich,T., Laging M. (2023): Professionals’ Perspectives on Substance Use among Refugees in Shared Accommodations: A Qualitative Study. Health & Social Work, 2023. hlad017,
Uricher J., Lorenz M., Heidenreich T., Laging M. (2023): Partizipative Suchtforschung in der Sozialen Arbeit. Ein Erfahrungs- und Praxisbericht aus der Arbeit mit geflüchteten Menschen. FORUM sozialarbeit + gesundheit, 2/2023, 30-33.
Lorenz M., Taggert, J., Laging M., Heidenreich T. (2021): Prävention des riskanten und abhängigen Substanzkonsums bei geflüchteten Menschen- Eine systematische Übersicht. SUCHT, 67, 255-271.